Partial List of Previous:
Presentations, Lectures at
Conferences and Events
SF Tesla Society 2009
Evolution into the Next Paradigm -
Quantum Biology, Collective
Consciousness and the Proactive
Manifestation of Future History
Tesla Tech 2008 New Mexico
Nanostructured Materials and Fab Processes
in Advanced Energy Applications
Singularity Convergence 2008 seminar
Santa Clara CA
Biophysics, Quantum Physics, and
Neuro Aesthetics Research & Application
SF Art Institute lecture series 2008
Cognition, Evolution, and Existence Morphology
in an N-Dimensional "Apparent" World
SF Art Institute lecture series 2007
Biometric Immersion into the Ubiquitous Data Grid
- the Next Evolutionary Increment
UN World Environment Conference 2005
San Francisco CA
Mapping a Strategy for the Future -
At the Intersection of Energy, New Technologies
and Emerging Economies
International Nano 2005
San Francisco CA
At the Intersection of Nanotech and Greentech
Nano Electronics and Photonics Forum 2005
Palo Alto CA
At the Intersection of Cleantech and Nanotech
Tech Startup Connection seminar 2005
Menlo Park CA
Practical NanoTechnology -
Where are the Career Opportunities
SigGraph 2005
Los Angeles CA
Computation, Complexity,and Cleantech
UUIC presentation 2005
Petaluma CA
Convergence Syndrome shaping
our Potential Future History
NanoSIG energy seminar 2004 Wash DC
Mapping a Strategy for the Future -
Energy Resources, New Technologies
10 - 15 Year Horizon
Lockheed Martin, Fall 2004 - Florida
Immersion into the Ubiquitous Computing Grid:
Operational Viability
FDA Spring 2004 - Rockland MD
At the Intersection of Nanotechnology and
Bio-Pharma Convergence: What is a Drug?
New Definitions, New Modalities
Digital Biota III 2004
SJU San Jose CA
Exploring the Archeology of the Future:
Anthropological Emergence of Artificial Life in a Human / Digital Biota Symbiosis
Softech Spring 2004 -
Nanotechnology Futures: Emergent Development Paths and Business Opportunities for Entrepreneurs
NanoScience Exchange lecture series 2003 - 2004
1) Nanowires: Many Materials, Many Applications
2) Self Assembly and Biologically Inspired Processes
Woodrow Wilson International Center, Spring 2003
Nanotechnology: Gateway Platform to Sustainable and Renewable Energy Applications
Foundation for Mind Being Research, Spring 2003 -
A World in Transition: The Convergence Syndrome
Approcahing the Evolutionary Eventhorizon
USIC Partnerships for Prosperity 2003 -
Nanotechnology: Catlayzing New Directions in
Electronics and Photonics
AAAS Pacific Division Conference, Spring 2003 -
Biological and Novel Techniques in Applied Nanotechnology
Contact 2003 - NASA / Ames
Exploration into the "Invokation of Rapture" Phenomena:
a Possible Next Increment toward Cosmological Evolution
Nano Electronics and Photonics Forum Conference, 2003 -
Nanobiological Materials and Processes in Electronics and Photonics
Banff Institute - Spring 2003
Nanotech Infotech Biotech Cognotech Convergence:
Evolutionary Vectors Catalyzing the History of our Future
SF Art Institute 2003 lecture series -
1) Biometric Immersion into the Ubiquitous Data Grid
2) A Probe into Future History: the Evolution of Existence Enhancement
Contact 2003 - NASA/Ames
Exploration into the "Invokation of Rapture" Phenomena, via Content Spawned from Biological Metaphors in Computing -
A Possible Next Increment Toward Cosmolgical Evolution
SigGraph 2003
Media, Art, and Nanotechnology as Convergence Vectors Catalyzing the History of our Future
5th Bi-Annual Futurists in Telecommunications Conference - UCLA
At the Intersection of Evolutionary Networks, Biological Computing, and System Sentience
NanoPlanet Conference, Spring 2002 -
Nanotechnology is the Gateway to an Emergent
Industrial Infrastructure
Tesla Society lecture series 2002 -
Approaching the Evolutionary Event Horizon:
Tracking the Emerging Ecology of Bio Convergence,
Cyber Symbiosis and Synthetic Sentience
SVASE forum -
Investment Opportunities in Nanotechnology 2001
USF 2001 -
Strategic Imperatives in New Business Models
SFSU 2001 lecture series -
Strategic Decision Making in a Realtime Connected Economy: an Operational Ecology Paradigm
Seybold 2001 -
Key Emerging Technologies: Infotech, Biotech, Nanotech
CyberArts X , SF Exploratorium -
A World in Transition: Evolution into the History of the Future
Technology Forecast 2001 Forum - Pasadena, 2000
Presentations / events pre - 2000
World Multiconference on Information Systemics, Cybernetics,
& Informatics, 98, 99
Multi-Agent Spatial Modeling Symposium -
2000, UCLA
Biota III - Digital Biota conference
San Jose State University - 2000
Tesla Society lecture series 2000 -
A World in Transition: Strategic and Societal Imperatives
Tech Trends 2000 - UCLA
The Emergent age of the 3rd Millennium:
Global Biotechnology Development Megatrends
Technolink Association conference on the Digital Divide - The New Revolution '99
San Jose Tech Museum, McBean Theater -
Nanotechnology and the Invokation of Rapture
International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, 98, 99
Duke University, Fuqua School of Business '99 -
Strategic Implications of the Internet:
The Duke Advanced Management Program,
SF Exploratorium lecgture series '98
Evolution in the Next Millennia:
The Media Matrix and Life on the Virtual Terraform
Alife VI - UCLA, '98
At the Intersection of Biological Metaphors in Computing and Aesthetic Content: a Catalyst of Cultural Evolution
Prudential Life Financial Services Annual Senior Account Management Forum '98 -
Major Technology Trends Which Will Shape the History of our Future
AAAI Conference on Computational Anthropology, 97
Paradox Seminar, Arcosanti '97 -
A World in Transition: Approaching the Evolutionary Eventhorizon
COMDEX - fall 95, 96, 97
SigGraph 94, 95, 96, 97, 98
WorldMovers 97
Aspen Summit 98
"Virtual Humans" in Computing and Telemedia - Aspen Institute
Earth to Avatars - SFSU
European Symposium on Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence -
The Internet as an Organism: the Emergent Human
/ Internet Symbiosis
Paradox Seminar I, Arcosanti Institute -
A World in Transition: Approaching the Evolutionary Eventhorizon
The Banff Centre, (Canada)
Science and Art at the Brink of Chaos Conference -
The Cultures of Biotech, Nanotech, and Ecotech:
The Emergent Evolutionary Threshold
Connectionism in the Next Century Symposium '98 -
Pepperdine University Frontiers of Science and Media Technologies
Mostra 2 Realidade Virtual (Brazil)
InterMedia World
Contact Consortia XIII, XIV, XV
Entcon 95, 96, 97
SXSW 97 -
Future of Electronic Media and Human Cybernetics
Partial list of recently published papers and conference presentations:
Paper titled "Transactional Process Brokeraging of Virtual Commodity Process Assets - an Emergent Economic Ecology". accepted for publishing and presentation in both the SCI 99 and ISAS 99 conferences
5th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis
World Multiconference on Information System Analysis and Symthesis, July 31 - August 4, 1999 Orlando, Florida
Paper titled "Synthetic Sentience as a Strategic Commodity Resource" accepted for publishing and presentation in both the SCI 98 and ISAS 98 conferences
4th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis,
World Multiconference on Information System Analysis and Symthesis, July 12 - 16, 1998 Orlando, Florida
SigGraph 2001, Los Angeles,
Lecture/presentation on the "Anthropological Emergence of Artificial Life in a Human / Digital Biota Symbiosis"
Tech Trends 2000 conference series, July 22 1999 Los Angeles, Futurists in Telecommunications "the Digital Divide - Cultural and Economic Imperatives".
Tech Trends 2000 conference series, April 21 1999 Los Angeles, Life Science Industries on the Edge of the New Millenium "Global Biotechnology Development Megatrends - The Biotech Age".
Tech Trends 2000 conference series, October 14, 1998 Los Angeles, Transformation of the Telecommunications Industry for the Year 2000 Convergence "The New Age of International Business - Is the Global Marketplace Prepared for the Paradigm Shift"
1999 -Digital Biota III, Conference on Digital Biota and Virtual Worlds for Artificial Life - San Jose State University, Dept of Mathematics and Computer Science.
"Anthropological Implications of Digital Biota"
1999 - Executive Education Advanced Management Program - Duke University, Fuqua School of Business. "Strategic Implications of the Internet"
Lecture/presentation at the Contact Consortia XV conference "Process Modalities of Applied Computational Resources which Mimic the Physiologies of Living Systems", as a mechanism for communication to real and synthetic entities
March 6 - 8, 1999 Santa Clara
Paper/lecture presented to the Contact Consortium
- CONTACT XIV Conference, March 7-10, 1998
“Development of Linguistic Systems and Communications Protocols with Societies of Artificial Lifeforms and Synthetic Sentients”
Summer 1997 meeting of the Tesla Society - San Francisco
Presentation of paper re-edited and submitted to and accepted by the SCI 98 and ISAS 98 conferences “Synthetic Sentience as a Strategic Commodity Resource”
Presentation prepared for Alife VI conference - June 25 - 27 1998, UCLA, Los Angeles
“Aesthetic Potential of Artificial Lifeforms and Synthetic Ecosystems”
Lecture/presentation to the Tesla Society, on the "Theoretical and Applied Aspects Synthetic Sentience as a Strategic Resource" Feb 15, 1998 San Francisco
American Anthropological Association session (CSAS-#127), "Computing the Future of Culture - New Approaches to Understanding Cultural Dynamics" Lecture/presentation in Washington D.C. at the AAAI Computational Anthropology 97 conference, Nov 18 - 20
"the Virtual Terraform - Beyond the New Event Horizon"
SigGraph 97, Los Angeles,
Lecture/presentation on the "Aesthetics of Artificial Life in Synthetic Environments"
Lecture/presentation at the Banff Multimedia Institute Dec 6 & 7, 1997 Future Technologies Seminar "Synthetic Sentience and the Advent of Virtual Immortality"
Lecture/presentation at the Avatars 97 conference, San Francisco.
"Aesthetic Exploration in Synthetic Environments - Experiential Artforms"
Paradox Seminar 97, Arcosanti, Arizona, lecture in a panel on the topic of "Synthetic Sentience, Biochips, and Nanotechnology".
Paper submitted to and accepted by the EMCSR '96 - 13th European Meeting on
Cybernetics and Systems Research EMCSR'96, Vienna, April 9-12, 1996
"the Internet as an Organism"
Paper/lecture presented to the Contact Consortium 96
- CONTACT XIII Conference, March 7-10, 1996
“Object Oriented Organelles, Synthetic Organisms Flourishing in Synthetic Environments”
Presentation given at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA - 50 year anniversary of the Eniac
“Aesthetic Exploration of Alternative Nature on the Virtual Terraform”
Previous CONTACT presentations:
“The In-Silico Biology Paradigm: Gateway to Virtual Exobiology”
"Process Modalities of Applied Computational Resources which Mimic the Physiologies of Living Systems", as a mechanism for communication to real and synthetic entities
“Development of Linguistic Systems and Communications Protocols with Societies of Artificial Lifeforms and Synthetic Sentients” , as a precursory requirement for Interaction with alien species
Original version presented at the 1997 Paradox Seminar - Arcosanti, Arizona
Synthetic Sentience as a Strategic Commodity Resource
Knowledge velocity, scale, and complexity are exceeding human capacity for effective decision rendering, particularly in mission critical applications compressed into ever shorter time cycle increments. as presented at the SCI 98 / ISAS 98 Conferences - World Multiconference on Systemics, Cyberbetics, and Informatics & 4th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis - Orlando, Florida
Beyond the New Event Horizon
Cultural change is surpassing expectations we made only a few years ago. The useful lifetime of knowledge itself is being compressed into smaller windows. We are rapidly entering an age where decision rendering, a mission critical process, will simply exceed human capacity. At the threshold of that event horizon, the ability to have access to the virtual terraform, populated by an ever increasing ecology of intelligent agents and sentient entities, will no longer be an interesting luxury. It will become an absolute requirement
CONTACT, a unique annual interdisciplinary conference which brings together some of the world's foremost social and space scientists, science fiction writers and artists to exchange ideas, stimulate new perspectives and encourage serious, creative speculation about humanity's future ... onworld and offworld.
Navigating Intelligence: A Banff Summit
Operational Ecologies of Distributed Knowledge and "Synthetic Sentience"
Conveyance - the Emergent Process Commodity of the Next Millennium
Biota III
At the far vision of the future, OWorld people participate as an offshoot of to bring artificial life to shared cyberspace ecosystems
1) A Probe into Future History
the Evolution of Existence Enhancement
2) Biometric Immersion into the Ubiquitous Data Grid
Digital NerveGarden - SigGraph
The Emergent Evolutionary
Observing Jane Prophet demo of A-Life genetic mutation "breeding experiment" installation
Digital Biota III SJU San Jose CA
Post conference discussion on psycho dynamic characteristics of cyborg synthoid hybrids vs. "organic" humanoids in current form, and other casual conversation topics of the moment . . .
Digital Biota III San Jose CA
After SigGraph event and presentations
Serious discussion over world changing issues of cosmic proportions . . . as in who pays the tab for the next round of refreshments Los Angeles
Lecture series at the SF Art Insititute -
"Life and Evolution on the Virtual Terraform"
Computer animation production developed at AAC, presented on PBS TV, at SigGraph, CyberArt, SF Tesla Society
Avatars 97
/ SigGraph
Intersection of the
virtual and biological
Deep thoughts . . .
Who is the first name that comes to mind with the word "avatars"?
James Cameron perhaps, and the world Pandora . . .
Think again - this is the real deal . . . in 1997!
Bruce Damer and his Earth to Avatars event & also author of the original
"Avatars" book, and longtime comrade
of the virtual universe
On the road to SigGraph 2005 in Los Angeles
Missing bag . . . what missing bag???
says Charles Ostman, a senior fellow at the Institute for Global Futures, "Biochip implants may become part of a rote medical procedure . . . after that, interface with outside systems is a logical next step" from the article - Is Human Chip Implant Wave of the Future?
Mondo 2000 - Science & Tech Editor
Contributing author
NanoThinc - Dir of Media
Science Advisory Board
Digital Be-In SF 1997 . . . Live interview
Nanotechnology, self organizing molecular systems, artificial life, AI & synthetic sentience, commoditized genetic content, virtual commodity assets . . . a few of the "theoretical" ideas discussed then
Art preceding reality, perhaps
Midnight Engineering - Tech Editor
Contributing author
IEEE Spectrum - Contributing author
Nanotech Industries - Contributing author
The Virtual World of Charles Ostman
interviewed by Michael Peter Langevin
As virtual reality and nanotechnology come together, expect a reality clash of unprecedented proportions
Computer Graphics World
Exploring virtual nature with procedural fractal and genetic algorithms that mimic biology -
Charles Ostman gallery
CyberArtsX - Reinventing the future
Extreme Visions of Art, Intelligence, & Artificial Intelligence
Seybold SF -
Virtual worlds, alternative realities